
Models section of the spec allows to define custom types. It supports object types, enum types and tagged union.


Here's an example of object model definition:

  description: some information about person
    first_name: string
    middle_name: string?
    last_name: string
    year_of_birth: int  # in what year person was born

The object model above represents the JSON object. Here's an example of such JSON object:

  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Smith",
  "year_of_birth": 1935

The object field is a dictionary where each item represents single field. The key of the dictionary item as a field name and value is a field type.

The example above provides optional model descripton field with value some information about person. This description is used for documentation purposes only.

Each field might have a description in the form of line comment, like year_of_birth has the comment # in what year person was born in the example above.


Enum is represented in JSON as a string with limited set of possible values.

Here's an example of enum model:

  description: count to three
    first: ONE
    second: TWO
    third: THREE  # third enum item

The enum model above represents enumeration of following JSON values: "ONE", "TWO", "THREE".

The enum field of the model definition defines enum items. Enum item name and value might be different as in example above: first value is ONE, etc. Enum item name is used in generated code and enum item value is the value that supposed to be in JSON when the enum model is serialized/deserializd. In this format enum field is a dictionary where each key is the name of enum item and value is JSON value of enum item.

The enum items could be declared in a short form if each enum item name and item value are the same. Here's an example of enum declared in such short format:

  description: count to three
    - first
    - second
    - third   # third enum item

The enum model above represents enumeration of following JSON values: "first", "second", "third".

In this format enum field is an array of string values. Each string value is enum item name and item JSON value at the same time.

Both examples above provide optional model description field with value count to three. This description is used for documentation purposes only.

Each field might have a description in the form of line comment, like item third has the comment # third enum item in the both examples above.

Tagged Union

Tagged union is a data structure used to hold a value that could take on several different, but fixed, types. Only one of the types can be in use at any one time, and a tag field explicitly indicates which one is in use. There are other names for tagged union. This documentation intentionally uses "tagged union" to emphasize role of the tag.

There's no built-in support for tagged unions in JSON format. However there are two conventions for tagged unions representation: wrapping object and discriminator field. These both conventions are supported by spec.

Wrapping Object

Let's imagine there's tagged union Shape of two types: circle of type Circle and square of type Square. Here's how it could be defined in the spec:

    radius: float

    side: float

  description: simple shape type
    circle: Circle
    square: Square   # square shape

In the example above circle and square are tags and Circle and Square are tags types. Object models definitions for Circle and Square are defined above as well and they are independent from tagged union definition. The oneOf field of Shape model is a dictionary where each item represents single tag. The key of the dictionary item as a tag name and value is a tag type.

Here's how such tagged union would look like in JSON in wrapping object format:

{ "circle": { "radius": 3.5 } }

{ "square": { "side": 4.2 } }

In the example above tagged union wrapping object is an object with the single field, the name of the field is the name of the tag and value of the field corresponds to tag type.

The example above provides optional model descripton field with value simple shape type. This description is used for documentation purposes only.

Each tag might have a description in the form of line comment, like square tag has the comment # square shape in the example above.

Discriminator Field

The other possible representation of the tagged union in JSON is adding discriminator field to the object denoting the tag. Here's how it would look like in JSON for the same Shape model:

{ "kind": "circle", "radius": 3.5 }

{ "kind": "square", "side": 4.2 }

The kind field is the discriminator field. It's value points to the union tag. Such discriminator field is added to the JSON object representing tag value. This way of representation is limitted since discriminator field can be added only to some object. Hence tag type has to be object model type.

Here's how to make tagged union to be represented by object with discriminator field:

  description: simple shape type
  discriminator: kind
    circle: Circle
    square: Square   # square shape

The definition above differs from wrapping object by additional field discriminator. The value of discriminator field is the name of the discriminator field as it should appear in JSON. In the example above kind is defined as discriminator field.

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